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The Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) promotes opportunities and provides supports for people with disabilities to lead self-determined lives by overseeing home and community-based services for more than 5,000 people who have disabilities. Support includes community living, day services, and supported employment services.

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The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation assists individuals with disabilities in obtaining meaningful employment, integrating into the community and increasing independence.

UTA Paratransit
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UTA's Paratransit Service ADA program is a service of the Utah Transit Authority, for people with physical, cognitive or visual disabilities who are functionally unable to independently use the UTA fixed route bus service either all of the time, temporarily or only under certain circumstances

United Way 211
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2-1-1 provides people with ways to get help, and give help. By simply dialing 2-1-1, callers can connect to health and human resources they need, as well as find meaningful volunteer opportunities.


Job Assistance
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People with disabilities want to be gainfully employed as much as anyone else. The ASU's Thunderbird School of Global Management article discusses a compilation of resources to find organizations that offer job help for people with disabilities and locate training programs and related support services.

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